R&D - Intelectual Property

Vivacell Biotechnology España business model is focused on licensing and sale of Intellectual Properties Right (IPR) resulting from its R&D activities. Below is the list of IPR that Vivacell has developed and/or currently hold.

Novel cannabidiol quinone derivatives (PCT/EP2014/057767).

Granted patents in Australia, China, Europe (Validated in BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, IE, IT, & NL), Israel, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, and USA.

Cannabidiol derivatives as inhibitor of the HIF Prolyl hydroxylases activity (PCT/EP2017/057389)

Granted patents in Japan and USA. Pending patent in Australia, Israel, and Europe (European Patent Office).

Triterpenoid derivatives (PCT/EP2017/075042)

Granted patents in Australia, Canada, Europe (Validated in ES, FR, DE, GB & IT), Israel, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, China, India, and USA.

Variety CARMA of Cannabis sativa CPVO European Registry of Plant Varieties (16305)

Use of Juniper (Juniperus Communis) Berries extract and agathadiol as positive allosteric modulators of cannabinoid type 1 receptor (PCT/EP2021/070329)

Pending patents in Europe (European Patent Office).

Compounds for use in suppressing cancer stem cells (PCT/ES2020/070278)

Granted patents in USA.